
Basti Kuhz / Northern Outer Spaces Music

chef: Basti Kuhz

Isokatu 90

90120 Oulu


Phone: +31616444289/+358468007448


CoC# (Y-tunnus).: 3479903-3

VAT#: FI34799033

The use of the photos and artwork of publications offered on, as well as the available texts, whether in whole or in part, requires written consent. All further rights are reserved.

All soundfiles, videos, texts, pictures, logos, artworks and designs are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, reused or used for commercial purposes in any form. This also applies to use in online services or inclusion in electronic databases. Distribution only with written permission by Basti Kuhz.


1. content of the online offer

This website represents the temporary state of a continuous work process. Although the greatest care and control has been exercised in compiling the content and services contained on this website, Basti Kuhz cannot guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality. Liability claims against Basti Kuhz regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected unless it can be proven that Basti Kuhz acted with intent or gross negligence. We expressly reserve the right to change, supplement or delete the contents and services without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently discontinue the entire offer or publication. All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

2. references and links

Basti Kuhz is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages - unless he has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of his site from viewing those pages. We hereby expressly declare that at the time the links were created, no illegal content was identifiable on the linked pages. We have no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked pages that were changed after the link was set. This statement applies to all links and references set within our own Internet offer as well as to external entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by us. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information, only the provider of the linked page is liable, not the one who has linked to the respective publication.

3. copyright and trademark law

All brands and trademarks mentioned on the website and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere mention of a trademark does not imply that it is not protected by the rights of third parties.

4. data protection

If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place voluntarily. The use and payment of all offered services are permitted - if and so far technically possible and reasonable - without specification of any personal data or under specification of anonymized data or an alias. The use of published postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers and email addresses for marketing purposes is prohibited, offenders sending unwanted spam messages will be punished. We expressly reserve the right to take legal action against the senders of so-called spam mails in the event of violations of this prohibition.

5. legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from. If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.


Basti Kuhz / Outer Spaces Music

chef: Basti Kuhz

De Vriesstraat 7

2593XG Den Haag

The Netherlands

Phone: +31616444289


KVK nr.: 85946974

VAT#: NL004167243B33

The use of the photos and artwork of publications offered on, as well as the available texts, whether in whole or in part, requires written consent. All further rights are reserved.

All soundfiles, videos, texts, pictures, logos, artworks and designs are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, reused or used for commercial purposes in any form. This also applies to use in online services or inclusion in electronic databases. Distribution only with written permission by Basti Kuhz.


1. content of the online offer

This website represents the temporary state of a continuous work process. Although the greatest care and control has been exercised in compiling the content and services contained on this website, Basti Kuhz cannot guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality. Liability claims against Basti Kuhz regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected unless it can be proven that Basti Kuhz acted with intent or gross negligence. We expressly reserve the right to change, supplement or delete the contents and services without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently discontinue the entire offer or publication. All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

2. references and links

Basti Kuhz is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages - unless he has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of his site from viewing those pages. We hereby expressly declare that at the time the links were created, no illegal content was identifiable on the linked pages. We have no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked pages that were changed after the link was set. This statement applies to all links and references set within our own Internet offer as well as to external entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by us. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information, only the provider of the linked page is liable, not the one who has linked to the respective publication.

3. copyright and trademark law

All brands and trademarks mentioned on the website and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere mention of a trademark does not imply that it is not protected by the rights of third parties.

4. data protection

If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place voluntarily. The use and payment of all offered services are permitted - if and so far technically possible and reasonable - without specification of any personal data or under specification of anonymized data or an alias. The use of published postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers and email addresses for marketing purposes is prohibited, offenders sending unwanted spam messages will be punished. We expressly reserve the right to take legal action against the senders of so-called spam mails in the event of violations of this prohibition.

5. legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from. If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.

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