Title: "The Suitcase Odyssey: A Symphony of Trials and Triumphs"
Embarking on a journey is akin to entering an enchanted realm, where narratives intertwine with the strains of excitement and challenges. Little did I foresee that the uncelebrated hero of my recent sojourn would be none other than my humble suitcase. In this captivating chronicle, permit me to unveil the Suitcase Odyssey, a mesmerizing tale marked by ordeals, suspense, and ultimately, triumphs.
Section 1: A Quest for the Perfect Valise (Time: 11 days Before Departure - 02.11.23)
The narrative unfurls before the odyssey's initiation, amid a quest for a new suitcase. The pursuit of a dependable travel companion led me into the fascinating realm of Level8 suitcases. They were recommended by the Rollingstone magazine as "minimalist design alternative to Rimowa suitcases" Adorned with the label "plastic made in Germany" and blessed with a lifetime guarantee, the ostensibly straightforward decision swung open the portal to an unforeseen journey—a journey commencing with a transatlantic order from New York.
Subsection: The Quandary of an Incomplete Address (Time: Tuesday, 07.11.23)
The much-awaited arrival of the suitcase stirred a concoction of joy and trepidation. A momentary lapse, an incomplete delivery address, lingered ominously, threatening to derail the entire odyssey. This triggered a flurry of efforts to divert the suitcase from a potential return to the bustling streets of New York.
Subsection: The Rollercoaster of Emotions (Time: Wednesday, 08.11.23)
Wednesday, 08.11.23, marked a pivotal juncture in the Suitcase Odyssey, orchestrating a rollercoaster of emotions. The initial despondency over a conceivable return to New York transmogrified into relief as rerouting to a storage facility near Frankfurt materialized. Amidst this turbulent expedition, an email from Level8, timestamped at 18:25, injected a new layer of intricacy into the narrative.
The email, sent by level8@level8cases.com, bore an apologetic tone:
Am 08.11.2023 um 18:25 schrieb level8 level8@level8cases.com:
Dear Customer,
We apologize for the late response.
Upon checking, we have to wait for the parcel to return, they cannot help relabel to arrange shipment. May we confirm the correct delivery address so that we can rearrange a new parcel for you?
Looking forward to your response.
This correspondence became a crucial plot twist, introducing the challenge of redirecting the parcel due to the inability to relabel for shipment. The urgency in confirming the correct delivery address highlighted the dedication of Level8 to rectify the situation promptly. This exchange added a layer of suspense and urgency, underscoring the commitment to ensuring the suitcase reached its destination despite the unexpected hurdles.
Section 3: The Dance of the Post-its (Time: Friday, 10.11.23)
Subsection: Office Preparations and a Change of Plans (Time: Friday, 10.11.23)
As Monday, 13.11.23, dawned, the anticipation of the suitcase's arrival at the office added an extra layer of excitement and meticulous planning. Detailed preparations unfolded, involving strategic post-its and meticulous planning that transformed the office into a carefully orchestrated stage awaiting the suitcase's grand entrance.
Subsection 1: Navigating the Labyrinth (Time: Friday, 10.11.23)
The office, with its four entries, became a canvas for my strategic preparations. One main entry, one semi-main entry, and two entries at the backdoor presented both a logistical puzzle and an opportunity to ensure a smooth delivery. Post-its adorned each entry, carrying specific instructions for the delivery person. The level of detail on each note was a testament to the determination to leave nothing to chance.
Subsection 2: A Twist in the Tale (Time: Saturday, 11.11.23)
As the weekend approached, the Suitcase Saga continued, with the looming uncertainty of the suitcase's arrival.
A last-minute change in the delivery schedule, initially slated for Saturday, injected an element of tension into the weekend preparations. Despite this unexpected turn of events, the resolute determination to be ready for Monday's departure remained unwavering, setting the stage for a climactic resolution.
Subsection 3: The Weekend Tetris and Tension (Time: Saturday and Sunday)
Plans for a leisurely weekend morphed into a strategic game of Tetris, a challenge to fit everything into the trusty old suitcase. The revelation of a postponed Saturday delivery brought a mix of relief and a tightened schedule, laying the groundwork for a climactic resolution.
Note: It turned out to not being a leisurely weekend at all. During my preparations for my performance in Oulu I noticed, that my setup would not work and that I miss a crucial element! more about this in a different blog
Subsection 4: Arrival of the Suitcase
As Monday, 13.11.23, dawned, the atmosphere in the office crackled with anticipation. The meticulously planned dance of post-its unfolded, creating a choreography of instructions that would guide the triumphant entrance of the long-awaited suitcase. Each note, crafted with precision, not only provided directions but also served as a lifeline – adorned with my phone number for immediate assistance.
Subsection 5 : Colleague's Convoluted Compass
With the clock ticking, the time came to transition from the intricacies of the office to the train station. Colleagues, in their attempt to guide me through the complex journey, provided what seemed like a convoluted set of verbal instructions. The instructions, involving a sequence of turns, loops, and even a metaphorical "salto forwards," left me questioning their necessity in the age of digital navigation tools.
Subsection 6: Google Maps Misdirection
A mere 10 minutes later, the consequences of disregarding those seemingly complex directions became evident. In an effort to rectify my oversight, I turned to the trusty Google Maps for guidance. However, the digital guide had its own plans, leading me astray and suggesting yet another station, contrary to the advice of a colleague who warned against crossing the bridge.
Map data @2023 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google
Subsection 7: Recalibrating the Journey
With time ticking against me, a decision was made to recalibrate my approach. Ignoring the digital guide, I retraced my steps, refusing to cross the bridge once again. Negotiating a few one-way tracks and embracing some not-so-legal-turning actions, I found my way back to the correct path. Relief washed over me as I reached the unmistakable sign of salvation: "Parkplatz Eigentum der DB AG. Parken nur für Zugreisende. Kostenlose Benutzung." -->Check this link to see the tiny red Nissan Micra standing there like a Fels in der Brandung.
Thank god.
Subsection 8: Speed Unpacking and Contemplating the Challenge
With just 5 minutes on the clock before the train's arrival, a rapid unpacking of the car ensued – a checklist of doors closed, windows down, and all luggage in check. Now, with the suitcase saga unfolding at the office and the adventure intensifying, I stood at the foot of the stairs, contemplating the challenge that lay ahead.
Subsection 9: The Kindness of a Fellow Traveler
A fortuitous encounter with a young woman, immersed in a voice message to a friend, provided a serendipitous turn. Seeking guidance on the direction to Jena, she pointed towards the stairs, confirming the departure from track 2. While my mind celebrated the confirmation of the right track and an on-time departure, my face betrayed the looming concern – how in the world would I manage to carry all this luggage upstairs? Recognizing my predicament, the woman offered her assistance without hesitation, setting the stage for a collaborative beginning to the unfolding adventure.
And so, with the triumph of the suitcase saga at the office and the collaborative spirit of a fellow traveler, the journey officially commenced on Monday, 13.11.23. Little did I know, the adventure was already in full swing, foreshadowing the tales yet to unfold.